New project for child – PRIMA
In relation with our activities, Association ”Youth Volunteers” started implementation interesting and innovative project, project PRIMA. Project PRIMA have as a main aim upgrading existing education system, and improvement quality and grades in the school. Directly, through this project we are helping to students to improve their grades in the school, also to upgrade their future possibilities through different programmes. That programmes are:
- Help with the homework from students from first to sixth class, based on monthly, weekly or daily base;
- Learning German or English language;
- Extra classes with instructions;
- ”Little school of reading and writing” for the kids from the preschool;
- Different workshops and educations;
Currently, through project PRIMA, we are working with 30 students, from first to ninth class, with who are working experts from different areas in formal and non formal education.
Directly our activities are for the children, but indirectly they are useful for parents, in relation, that often they don’t have enough free time for their children. Also, because of fast life, parents can’t gave necessary time to their kids, because school obligations require a lot of concentration and time. Aim of this project, is to spend quality time with family, with the less of school obligations and stress.
With this open call we invite all interested parents and students, to be part of this project activity. All information you can get on our Facebook page: ( or at the officially web site of Association ”Youth Volunteers”(